
We're facing an energy crisis ...

a human energy crisis.

As many as 50 million American adults are living physically inactive lives. This sedentary epidemic has resulted in an explosion of health problems that bear catastrophic consequences.

In the back of your mind you know that living your life as an inactive couch potato will eventually result in some unpleasant consequences, and yet, the thought of getting in shape seems equally unpleasant. And so you put it off, grow another year older and accept the slight aches and pains and shortness of breath when climbing a flight of stairs as nothing more the the inevitable results of aging.

HERE’S THE DEAL …  if physical activity is not a regular part of your life it's because you have false beliefs about what it takes to become physically fit. You believe you have to;

  • Join a gym and work up a sweat
  • Start jogging
  • Lift weights
  • Workout at an anaerobic pace at least five days a week
  • Set aside at least  60 to 90 minutes a day for a continual uninterrupted workout, or you're of the opinion that ...
  • "If it ain’t broke, why fix it?" You feel reasonably healthy today so why mess with something that’s working?

These are powerful beliefs, but none of them are true.


I used to have these beliefs, but they vanished more than 25 years ago when I began a simple walking program. Since then exercise is not only a regular part of my life, but it's one of my favorite times of the day.

Hi, my name is Richard Fast and I’ve lived this program for nearly half of my life. I've created this 29 DAYS Program "29 DAYS ... to a lifetime of fitness and health" (simple steps to get fit and lose weight for life) because so many people are stuck in a sedentary rut. They wish they could get themselves to become physically active and maintain their health, but they continually find reasons to put it off because they harbor a lot of false beliefs about the cost, pain and sacrifice it takes to get fit.

The world of fitness and exercise is just as rich in contradiction, fallacy and hyperbole as the infamous world of diets and weight loss. That’s why so many people are still asking simple questions like;

  • What does it mean to be fit?
  • If I’m not fit what does it take to get there?
  • How can I find the extra time?

This 29 DAYS program will answer these questions––and many more––often in unexpected and surprising ways.

Most of us wish that we could take a “magic exercise pill” that would give us all the benefits of a workout without actually having to do it.

This program is that “magic pill” with one exception; you’ll go from thinking that exercise is a difficult, painful experience, to embracing it as one of the most enjoyable times of your day. 

Enjoying a lifetime of fitness and health is not about short-term, quick-fix results––although you will notice some startling results in a very short time––it’s ultimately about enjoying wellness, health and vigor at any age and for the rest of your life.

Aging is Inevitable … But the Rate of Aging is Not!

Your body is your physical connection to the world. As long as you’re alive it’s home.

Most of us have a tendency to think that if I feel reasonably healthy today there’s no reason to believe that I won’t feel reasonably healthy tomorrow. 

The fact is that the best time to think about your health and fitness was ten years ago … the next best time is today!

Whether you’re an ex-athlete who wants to get back into shape, a couch potato who’s never been in shape, or an elderly person who wishes to return to his or her youthful past, in just a few weeks you’ll go from thinking that exercise is a bore and a chore to embracing it as one of the most enjoyable times of your day.

“We often don’t appreciate our ability to move until we lose our ability to move.”

Status, image, money, power and worldly possessions are all meaningless if you’ve lost your health. This amazing 29 DAYS program—that’s based on common sense and supported by scientific evidence––will show you that getting fit and being healthy is surprisingly easy.

No matter how hectic or harried your life is, in just 29 DAYS you’ll be taking simple “steps” and making small changes to your daily routine that will lead to a lifetime of health and vitality. 

Take Action Now!
Your health is one of the most precious gifts you have. Don’t take it for granted. You can be on your way to a lifetime of fitness and health AND you can get started TODAY ... right now!
Yes! I Want to Get Fit & Stay Healthy 

Why take this program?


Because you're beginning to sense that there's a lot of truth to the old saying, "Use it or lose it." 

You've thought about starting an exercise program but you have no idea where to begin, and besides, even if you did have a definite plan in mind, where would you find the time or the energy? The day to day grind takes everything out of you. But there's this nagging knowing that you cannot take you health for granted. The little signs of age are beginning to pop up and if you don't take some kind of action, things will only get worse.

When you were younger exercising wasn't something you thought of, you did whatever you wanted and you always felt great. Then slowly the years added up and the little aches and pains crept in. You began to notice that going up a flight of stairs wasn't quite as easy as it used to be. A spontaneous game of tag with your kids or shooting a few baskets becomes a challenge ... never mind your croaking bones and squawking muscles the day after.

Slowly but surely your sedentary lifestyle is showing its effects. Your favorite jacket gets a little tighter with annual regularity, your body gets a little softer and rounder, and the old energy and zip has faded away.

It didn't happen overnight. It happened bit by bit, day by day. The effects of aging crept up as the extra weight and bad habits accumulated. Somewhere along the way, this became normal.

It's about to become un-normal. It's about to become the past. And it's going to happen in just twenty-nine days.

How does it work?

This is not some kind of 30 day bootcamp or some other unsustainable nonsense. We're not going to sell you some magic shake, food supplement or exercise gadget. This 29 DAYS program will take you from being a couch potato who lacks energy, to being fit, toned and energetic.

You didn't get to be out of shape and sedentary by choice. Year after year extra duties and responsibilities piled up, your days seemed to get shorter while the "to do" list got longer. By the time you met your daily obligations, you had just enough energy to flop on the couch for some well deserved R and R.

If only you could take a magic exercise pill instead of going through all the pain, sweat, time and expense that's necessary to get fit. 

If you believe that suffering is the only road to fitness then it's little wonder that you consciously––and subconsciously––push it off for another year.

I do have some great news. You don't have to run, sweat, lift weights or join a gym to get fit and stay healthy! This program will show you how. Not only that, but in twenty-nine days, you can rewire your brain so that a couch potato life is no longer a normal way of living.

You can replace the bad habits and sedentary lifestyle with healthy new habits that will not detract from your regular, daily tasks. You'll by pleasantly surprised to learn that pain and time are completely non-issues ... neither are required.  A simple understanding of walking is all you'll need.

The 29 Days system fundamentally changes the way your brain works. You'll create new neuron tracks and pathways, new thought processes, and new active habits.

Right now, your natural response to feelings of fatigue is to flop on the couch, watch TV and munch on something to keep yourself pleasantly distracted. 

After our program, that won't be your natural response anymore – or ever again.

You won't turn into an exercise freak overnight or ever. You don't have to. All you need to do is understand how basic, easy movement can become a natural and logical part of your life and you'll quickly enjoy a new surge of energy and health. In just a few weeks you'll begin to see that you're going to  actually be able to reverse the effects of aging with a simple walking program.

In just twenty-nine days, you'll have reversed the thought processes that got you to this point – and that means you'll start getting fit and losing weight just as steadily, surely, and permanently as you once slid down the slippery slope of living your life as a couch potato.

Start living a life of health and vitality and order your 29 DAYS program today.

How this program works

The 29 DAYS program breaks down into four easy weeks, each starting on a Monday.

You'll receive two emails every day from your online coach so that you have the support you need, right there with you. Your online coach will also keep track of whether you've responded to your daily emails to say you're still hanging in. That's how we help you stay accountable – and how you can actively build new patterns in your mind through repetition.

Week One: Commitment and Awareness Week

If you aren't committed to your goal, you won't succeed. In this first week, we'll help you commit to your health and fitness goals with a strong foundation that supports you when temptation starts whispering away at you, encouraging you to fall prey to those old destructive routines you've shed.

You'll learn observation and awareness techniques that help you understand your current bad habits, such as when you're most likely to fall prey to them and what triggers the desire to give in. This means you'll have tools to fight back and stay strong.

Week Two: Preparation Week

After you've committed to your goal and become aware of the true extent of damage your current sedentary habit creates, you can start to prepare for the change ahead.

This is where the 29DAYS program really sets itself apart from all the rest – you develop your very own ideas on how to make permanent changes.

It's important that you take control of your own personal changes. We'll help you build powerful new neuron tracks and thought processes, and you'll feel empowered to change by being in full control of how those changes happen.

Week Three: Taking Action

Enough planning; it's time to get to work. By developing awareness of your current sedentary habits and tailoring your plans for change to your personal weak spots and desires, you'll be more than prepared to put your plan to good use.

Our daily reminders, visualizations, and affirmations have helped you develop the strong neural changes that make it easy for you to replace those bad behaviors with your planned good ones. Your take-action steps may be small, but you'll be able to put them in place knowing they're here to stay. For good.

Week Four: Staying the Course

You've probably tried to change your habits before – but slipped back into your old destructive routines. That's why this final week is so important, because this is when you cement those new habits into place and learn to stay the course.

And by this point, you're nearly at the end! If you stick with your program through the final week, it will be nearly impossible for you to go back to your old habits.

Developing new habits is a process, and you'll already be reaping the rewards of the small changes you've made.

The best news is that these changes happen permanently. You won't ever go back. You won't ever slip back into your old ways again.

In just twenty-nine days, you'll have a new lease on life. A new way of experiencing your day.



Even though I don’t know you, I’m going to go out on a limb and bet that you haven’t been exercising regularly because you have certain beliefs about what it takes to get fit. You believe it’s too painful, too boring, too expensive, too time consuming, or just not worth the hassle. You’re convinced the effort far outweighs the returns.

These are powerful beliefs! But the fact is, you can incorporate physical activity into your routine and get fit without breaking a sweat or upsetting your daily schedule.

29 DAYS … to a lifetime of fitness and health is based on simple common sense and supported by scientific evidence. This program is going to shatter a number of popular myths about exercise, weight loss and fitness, and in the process, it will show you how to lose weight, get fit, and stay healthy.

The world of fitness and exercise is just as rich in contradiction, fallacy, and hyperbole as the infamous world of diets and weight loss. This program was developed as a result of so many people requesting a way in which they could easily incorporate exercise into their lives. Everywhere we turn we’re overwhelmed by an endless stream of information. In fact, Alvin Toffler predicted this very thing in his 1970s best-selling book, Future Shock. He coined the term information overload, which describes the difficulty a person experiences when trying to understand an issue or make a decision when faced with too much information.


“People are not lazy by choice. They are forced into it by the confusion that surrounds the abundance of fitness information that is available.”

~Dr. Ellington Darden, Fitness authority, author


What does being fit mean? How do I know if I’m physically fit and what does it take to get there? Do I have to lift weights and start running? Most importantly, if I don’t have enough hours in my day right now, how am I supposed to find an extra thirty or sixty minutes to work out?

These are legitimate questions and valid concerns, and each will be answered … perhaps in an unexpected and surprising way. If you’re confused and unsure about the whole concept of exercise you’re not alone. In fact, the vast majority of people are unfit and avoid exercise because of these very reasons. Whether you’re an ex-athlete who wants to get back into shape, a couch potato who’s never been in shape, or an elderly person who wishes to return to his or her youthful past, this program will work for you. You will go from thinking that exercise is a bore and a chore to embracing it as one of the most enjoyable times of your day.

You’re going to discover smart, simple ways in which you can work physical activity into your daily routine no matter how busy you are or where you are on the fitness ladder. We’re going to begin by planting the seeds of desire, then by easing you into the most basic, painless, and natural form of physical activity—walking—and from there you’ll easily design your own fitness plan that will fit seamlessly into your daily routine. 

I used to think of physical activity and exercise as a major inconvenience at best, and as a mild form of torture at worst! But that all changed when I began a simple walking program more than twenty-five years ago. Today I cannot imagine living without some form of daily physical activity. It’s an integral part of my life, and in twenty-nine days it will become a part of yours as well.

Deep down you know that status, image, money, power, and worldly possessions are all meaningless if your health is gone. Your body is your physical connection to the world. I want you to love living in it and to enjoy using it––to embrace a life of physical activity––not because you feel like you have to, but because you truly want to. Your desire for better health and fitness is all you need at this point because the seeds of success will sprout from within your mind. In just a few weeks from now you’ll begin to embrace physical activity and the indescribable feeling of energy and vitality that will be yours for the rest of your life.

I’ll see you on day one.


~ Richard


29 DAYS ... to a lifetime

of fitness and health!


Table of Contents





a.m. – What Can I Expect to Happen Over the Next twenty-nine days?

p.m. – Aging is Inevitable … But the Rate of Aging is Not!


a.m. – Why Do We Treat Ourselves With So Little R-E-S-P-E-C-T?

p.m. – Age Is Just a Number


a.m. – The Paradox of Modern Humans

p.m. – Physical Fitness is Not a Destination


a.m. – It’s Fit, Not Fat, That Determines Your Health – Part One

p.m. – Metabolic Syndrome … What Is It?


a.m. – It’s Fit, Not Fat, That Determines Your Health – Part Two

p.m. – Is My Excess Weight Caused by High Fructose Corn Syrup?


a.m. – What is Fitness? What Does it Take to Get Fit? How Do I Know if I’m Fit?

p.m. – The Key to Fitness


a.m. – Dopamine, Rewards and Human Behavior

p.m. – Moving Towards Commitment




a.m. – Setting Your Goals

p.m. – We’ve Changed Our Day Without Changing Our DNA


a.m. – Understanding Metabolism and It’s Effect on Weight Loss

p.m. – How Humans “Voluntarily” Burn Energy


a.m. – Why Is Sitting So Damaging?

p.m. – Clearly Sitting Is Killing Us … But How?


a.m. – Walking … the Beginning to a Lifetime of Fitness and Health

p.m. – The Importance of Steps Taken Versus the Amount of Time Walked


a.m. – The Top Ten Excuses for Not Exercising

p.m. – The Big Kahuna of All Excuses for Not Exercising Is …


a.m. – A Day in the Life of Sedentary Ryan

p.m. – So What Can I Expect From a Walking Program?


a.m. – Want an Aerobic Workout? Keep Your Heart Rate in the Target Zone

p.m. – You’re Ready For Action!




a.m. – There’s No Such Thing as Good Fat or Bad Fat. Fat’s Fat … Right?

p.m. – How Can I Get Rid of Visceral Fat?


a.m. – Overweight People Have Not Failed …  They’ve Been Failed!

p.m. – The Power of Visualization


a.m. – Does My Set Point Mean I’m Powerless to Lose Weight?

p.m. – Did You Know There’s a National Weight Control Registry?


a.m. – The Brake Pedal and the Gas Pedal of Appetite

p.m. – Eat Breakfast … and Lose Weight!


a.m. – The Power of Water as a Weight Loss Technique

p.m. – Weight … Go Home and Sleep It Off


a.m. – Water: Overeating and Dehydration

p.m. – How to Get Yourself to Drink Enough Water


a.m. – Water: The Magic Elixir

p.m. – What You’ve Achieved So Far




a.m. – Diet and Exercise … The Study and the Purpose

p.m. – Exercise May Keep Alzheimer’s at Bay


a.m. – So How Can I Get Myself to Make Exercise a Habit?

p.m. – What’s Right For You?


a.m. – Weaving Activity Into Your Life

p.m. – Did You Know?  Physical Activity Facts


a.m. – Fat: Melt It Off or Burn it Off?

p.m. – Is Aerobic Exercise the Key to Burning Fat?


a.m. – Why You May Want to Consider Resistance Training

p.m. – You’ve Got Gas? … Lucky You, Because This Gas Can Change Your Health


a.m. – The Discovery of HIIT

p.m. – The Most Important Words in Physical Fitness


a.m. – The Weight Loss Plateau

p.m. – It’s All in How You Think


a.m. – A Successful Life Isn’t a Goal, It’s an Intention

p.m. – It’s All Meaningless Without Your Health

Click below to order your program today!

29 DAYS ... to a lifetime of fitness and health - Book Package

INCLUDES - 29 DAYS ... to a habit you want! (Book), 29 DAYS ... a lifetime of fitness and health (Program)

Everything you need to achieve a lifetime of fitness and health in just twenty-nine days.

[Digital Download] $24.99 Buy Now »
[Hard Copy] $29.99 Buy Now »

29 DAYS ... to a lifetime of fitness and health - Advanced Package

INCLUDES - 29 DAYS ... to a habit you want! (Book), 29 DAYS ... to a lifetime of fitness and health (Program)

Twice Daily on-line email coaching sessions for twenty-nine days  • Automatic Message Stimulator  • Daily Coaching Videos, • Lifetime Access to your program and your online personal Diary

[Digital Download] $89.99 Buy Now »
[Hard Copy] $97.00 Buy Now »

29 DAYS ... to a lifetime of fitness and health - Complete Package

INCLUDES - 29 DAYS ... to a habit you want! (Book), 29 DAYS ... to a lifetime of fitness and health (Program)

Twice Daily on-line email coaching sessions for twenty-nine days • Automatic Message Stimulator • Daily Coaching Videos, Lifetime Access to your program and your online personal Diary • Three one-on-one half-hour coaching sessions with Richard Fast - one session before you start the program, one when you're to begin the first day of action and a follow-up session when you're on your way to living the rest of your life at your perfect weight.

[Digital Download] $299.99 Buy Now »
[Hard Copy] $299.99 Buy Now »

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